It's 2022!

Hey Firecrackers!

It’s 2022, how was your holiday season?

Mine was a bit quiet this year, Omicron made me cancel all my plans and stay in- a bit disappointing, but it was the right choice for me and my loved ones. Maybe next year will be better? Highly doubt it, but I’m just a bit pessimistic these days. 

New Years was slightly better, but I was in isolation mode along with the two others at home with me due to an exposure. It wasn’t bad because I had good company, good food and good drinks. 

You know what was a super bummer to wake up to on December 31st? The death of Betty White. Sure, she was 99, but she was one of those people you thought would live forever. The incredible joy her life and work has brought generations of people all across the globe is a work of art in itself. I don’t know about you, but I’ll be in a Betty White binge for the foreseeable future.

What are your plans for 2022? Have anything exciting going on? New work on the horizon? Or a new project you’d like to start? Maybe some DIY home renovations? Or maybe you just want to learn how to take a step back and chill out a bit? I’m still trying to figure it out myself. I think my biggest plan is to get back on schedule. Any schedule really- oh! And to look for work, yes. 

Whatever your plans for the new year are, I wish you luck with them. No matter how big or how small, it’s still important. 

Time for my end of blog call to action. I know, it’s a short entry, but I didn’t have much  to write about this time. Still wrapping my head around the last month and a bit.

Here we go:

  • Watch anything that has Betty White in it

  • Be kinder to yourself

  • As always, remember to hydrate

See you in February,

Fran 💥

Naomi Snieckus