Springing into May with FD!

Photo by Ruby Doan on Unsplash

Photo by Ruby Doan on Unsplash

Hey Firecrackers!

Can you believe it? It’s already spring! I’m sitting back here completely in shock that it’s already been nearly 3 months since my first blog post- it’s so true that time flies by when you’re having fun. I’ve got some great stuff to tell you about in this entry, so I hope you’re ready.

Our TikTok account! If you haven’t already, please follow us there for some fun member content. If you don’t know how to use it, don’t worry! We’ve got you with a TikTok Tutorial video that you can check out for help and guidance. So, why did I bring up TikTok? Because we have an awesome new video out there featuring the faces and voices of some of our core team members! It's a great way to get to know the people that help make Firecracker Department what it is! That video was hysterical to make. First of all, the Pass The Phone Challenge trend was all Saba’s idea for us to use. A quick refresher for new folks, Saba was also brought onto the team as an intern. Pass the phone is a trend that basically calls out the person you’re passing the phone to. Naturally, it’s a good way to get to know the people you’re interacting with. I won’t spoil too much, but after seeing that video you’ll know which FD Core Member does an incredible death drop. 

Next on the docket of news to share, I’ve officially finished my internship with Firecracker Department. This isn’t a goodbye, but more so a hello to my second phase with the group. I’m staying on as a Writing Department member and for core support. I absolutely love this group of people and what they’re doing, so I’m extremely excited to be staying on board! I’ve got some ideas up my sleeve, so brace yourselves for some more awesome fun coming your way! I’d also like to add that Saba will also be staying on board by lending her talents to the Podcast. Great times ahead for sure!

Speaking of the Writing Department, remember that Short Story Challenge I mentioned in the last entry? The early bird deadline may be over, but there’s still time for you to submit a 500 word piece by May 31. For more information, go to our website. You don’t want to miss this opportunity! But if you do, don’t worry. This won’t be the last. 

If you remember, last entry I spoke about our Social Justice Series that would be kicked off by performer, producer, creator and activist for stage and screen, Sedina Fiati. Well, I’m happy to say that we will be kicking it off next month! Again, I’m so excited to have Sedina come in and write about practically applying social justice work in the industry, and identifying what is and isn’t working with what’s in place now. 

We started off our 2021 social justice journey last week with a workshop, led by Sedina Fiati and Farah Merani. This workshop was great, and had us reflect on our own actions and what more we can do- what goals we had for ourselves individually and as a group, and what tools we could use to help get us there. It was a very insightful few hours spent with people wanting to learn and wanting to continue making FD a safe, encouraging space for all.

So, as I end this blog I ask you to do the same; reflect on how you too can be a better ally to marginalized communities and make a difference in the lives of those around you. Some action items for you to get started with: speak up if/when you hear something or see someone making an attack against a marginalized community, open your mind and do research on how to be a better ally towards marginalized communities, and support members of marginalized communities in any way that you can- by donating to organizations you come across, sharing resources & materials, uplifting artists from those communities and supporting businesses run by people in those communities. You can move forward with 1 action item or all 3, either way you’ll be moving in the right direction. 

June is a fun month, and I look forward to what Sedina has to share with us all.

I’ll catch you in July!

Fran 💥

Naomi Snieckus